
Faculty: Kabya shree Borgohain

Developing participatory design research methods and co-creation techniques by using food as a medium and tool

Food design, an emerging discipline of design studies
integrates design thinking principles to orchestrate the interconnectedness around aspects
related to food. Its application drives innovation around product, experience, services and
system. ‘Food’ in totality is a complex narrative as well as sensitive subject that requires holistic
approach to understand the layers of complexities that are associated with it.
We eat to live and live to eat at our fundamental core. A practice so integral to survival, growth,
propagation and evolution definitely needs more understanding and conscious engagements to
harness what we have, than just flowing along with it. A medium so strong that keeps
unwinding more facts about us as humans, our choices and who we are is indeed worth
exploring in the design light. Can we learn more about ourselves from the the way we eat, what
we eat and why we eat ? Is there a quantifiable pattern to our choices ? What drives us ? Does it
reveal more than just eating for good taste ? What happens when we consciously consume
informations in form of food ?