
Faculty: Ruchi Mehta

Heurestics in Retail Design

Design of spaces have the power to influence human behavior within that space. It is this
potential of spatial design when leveraged in the design of Branded Environments,
strategically curated experiences can be generated to influence customer behavior. These
experiences result from a cumulative effect of the space making elements where the
elements operate as heuristic cues. These heuristic cues enable decision making by
customers at all stages of their retail journey and hence when employed judiciously can
result in desired outcome. They influence customer’s decision to enter a retail space and
once inside guide them to navigate through the space and influence their buying decisions.
It is critical for designers to thoroughly understand this potential of design and its role in the
design of Branded Environments as brands are competing for customer acquisition and
increased sales for higher return of investment. These experiences when accumulate,
contribute in communicating the brand differentiation and generating a recall value that
brands expect from the design of Branded Environments. In this context, the proposed

research is a multidirectional study through the analysis of the experiences generated in a
wide range of retail spaces and the contribution of space making elements as heuristic cues.
This research will be informed by the review and analysis of the findings of consumer
psychology experts like Martin Lindstorm and Paco Underhill as documented their books
buyology and why we buy respectively.