
Faculty: Aparajita Basu


There is a complex network of interconnected systems within an ecosystem. Keeping the ecosystem at the center, which is the natural and built environment, the relationships between other life forms including other humans are important not only for survival but also for their well-being. Human well-being can be achieved only through a comprehensive understanding of this ecosystem, from the larger scale of the biosphere to the more intimate scale of an interior-built environment and with the diverse cultures, societies, and individuals that exist within it.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) defines an ecoregion as a “large unit of land or water containing a geographically distinct assemblage of species, natural communities, and environmental conditions”
The need of the hour is to tackle the climate change crisis while simultaneously developing our bioregions. If we can study our bioregions, and work out a holistic and sustainable model to revive planetary and societal well-being - we will be able to solve most of our problems. System ecology research can help chart a path to developing rural areas in a manner that is socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable. The aim would be to design a systems ecology model for the bioregion of Sasan that can be scaled while maintaining its essence, character, and culture.
This is the broader area of research within which students will locate their independent component of the larger framework. The study can be developed with a focus on any one or more of the components of the larger model, which can contribute to developing different design frameworks for human well-being.