Savyasachi Deo



ParaBox is a grid based modular system that can be used to create multi level spaces to small scale products following a lattice structure. The kit of parts that include multiple joineries, plywood and acrylic panels and MS box section pipes. The modular building blocks due to the adaptability of the joineries allow interconnectivity at both small and larger scales. The panel showcases one of the ways the modular system can be used, to create a co-working space situated atop the Old Cept Workshop. The system allows creation of work areas that range from single person units to larger work areas that can accommodate multiple people.

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Cellular Automaton is a computational system that can be found throughout nature.

Physical and digital abstractions of Cellular Automaton.

Having chosen the concept, the site and the design brief was introduced. Using Galapagos (plugin on grasshopper), a universal solver tool, multiple plan iterations were made.

CA in three dimensions.

Form Analysis.

Assigning Function

The final design.

Initial joinery explorations.

Final joinery type and kit of parts.

Exploded iso view of the final design.