Heer Mehta


Youth Hostel in Saankdi Sheri

Ahmedabad, a city rich in history, culture and heritage lacks clean, cheap accommodation in the centre of the old city. The introduction of a youth hostel while addressing this need, also subtly nods at gentrification. The site comprises of two buildings on the Saankdi Sheri near Manek Chowk - Divanji ni Haveli and 8A, 8B, 8C houses in Ganga Dhiya ni Pol right opposite. The Haveli develops into the resting quarters, while 8A houses a cafe (serving meals for guests and others) and a  library. The collapsed ruins of 8B-8C are converted into a park.

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Site analysis

Divanji ni Haveli : Ground Floor Plan

Divanji ni Haveli : First Floor Plan

Divanji ni Haveli : Section The inserts that form the partitions aim at not making the space heavier visually, using fabrics with typical Gujarati prints.

Divanji ni Haveli : Views

8A,8C,8C Ganga Dhiya ni Pol : Ground Floor Plan

8A, 8B,8C Ganga Dhiya ni Pol : Second Floor Plan

8A, 8B,8C Ganga Dhiya ni Pol : Short Section

8A,8B,8C Ganga Dhiya ni Pol :Long SectionThe first floor is an extension of the cafe on the ground floor, and the third floor an extension of the library on the second floor.

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