
Faculty: Kireet Patel

TA: Nidhi Ratani

Luxurism: New age vocabulary interior design practices

Luxury interiors always have been the subject of change, evolutions, influence, continuity, and contradictions. In a pejorative sense, Luxuria can be equated with excess, magnificence, rich, sophistication, habrosune, poluteles, and affordable senses. “Luxuries ‘effectively signify rarity, cost, change, transformation, expenditure, distinction, excess... and, we should not forget, pleasure”- Yves Michaud.

Luxury: a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort
Luxur(ism): A distinctive practice, system, philosophy, school of thought, and way of thinking that represents an era of luxury in contemporary times.

“Luxury is intelligence … Intelligence often takes the form of innovation – improving things – but does [not] need to be. It can also mean making good decisions about what should be saved, and what should be made obsolete. There is no generosity without intelligence. And luxury is generosity.”- Rem Koolhas

In interior design, luxury has the ability to realize, contextualize, and particularize the various scale of projects. Luxury can be explored as an interior design process to synthesize new design programs and interior design project sites to table.

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Studio Unit

Introduction of the studio and project Perspectoscope

Module 01_Focus of the studio_Luxury_Design process

Module 02_Modulation and Scaling of luxury_Shop of products and Lounge Bar

Module 03_Complexities of Luxury_Final design Project

Module 03_Complexities of Luxury_Final design Project