
Faculty: Kireet Patel


The studio enabled the skill of designing a process of assembly to solve design problems. It focused on the role of field related technology and construction methods and explored the relationship between making and expression. Established design knowledge of the field needs systematic and structured explorations through assembly-based practices. This studio also recognized assembly-based construction to influence today’s interior design related problems such as generating a response to the nature and complexity of context.

*A.B.C.- Assembly Based Construction*

Module 01 focused on development of a design process for ABC through exploration of structural principles and ordering of mass.

Module 02 was immediate application and evaluation of developed ABC to modulate-scale relationships between selected program and typology of built spatial systems.

Module 03 derived a spatial system that transformed the selected site into ‘A PLACE FOR ABC’. Evaluated the necessary approaches of making and construction, that are to be known and studied to be as Assembly based construction practices. Expressed ABC to enhance the interior space created in a site.

Studio Unit

XYZ of Ornare

Module 01

Module 02

Module 03