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Tulsi Lashkari



Facilities management is about integrating people, place, process and technology to ensure sustainable functioning of the built environment. It supports the core operations of any organization.The focus of this year's studio is on studying the FM of a housing society, particularly focusing on housing for poor. In the case of the slum redevelopment schemes, the post possession services are often ignored resulting in the creation of "VERTICAL SLUM". So the objective was to study the facilities at the site and devise a management plan so as to create sustainable living spaces. Our motto " Building more than just a home".

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This is a brief introduction to the slum rehabilitation housing scheme. This part also talks about the involvement of the various stake-holders in the project and their roles. The missing link here seemed to be the presence of an NGO who would have helped the slum dwellers modify their lifestyle according to the new living ways in the flats.

This part focuses on the the site plan and floor plan of the existing scheme. The possession of the flats was given in 2015 and hence it is a fairly recent one.

This part covers the various facilities that the group had taken up at the site and what the studio focused on. It also elaborates on the electricity provision, problems and solutions for that utility.

This briefly talks about the existing water and drainage supply which are very important and most basic utilities at the site. There were a lot of issues identified for them both in terms of there provision and usage. The group then suggested the necessary proposals for both of them.

As such the group could not identify any problems with the parking facility. But the extra space could be let out as parking space for outsiders. This has been further discussed in the presentation. Again this part also talks about the existing solid waste management and a proposed model of segregation and compost pit which can be implemented in the long run post the housekeeping system comes into place.

In the work division for our group, i focused on the housekeeping services. The existing system was completely hay-wire. The housekeeping department was understaffed and littering in the common areas due to the absence of door-to-door collection and dustbins (provided by AMC) not being used. Identifying these issues, a plan was proposed with the extra manpower to be employed in-house and their daily schedule (taking into reference the method used by private housekeeping agencies).

In continuation with the housekeeping facilities, this part talks about the cost that the society will incur if these services are in-sourced. It is extremely low as compared to the quotation the society received from private players. This would also generate employment for people staying within the society. The work monitoring chart completes the cycle by acting as a controlling tool to see whether the work is done by the staff efficiently.

In order to reduce the burden of the maintenance fees on the residents, the group devised several revenue generation schemes like installation of advertising hoardings, telephone tower and night parking for outsiders with a fee.

It was imperative for the group to look into several community development ideas for these residents and ensure an overall improvement in their living standards. Lastly, for the entire management plan to work, the group devised an organogram for the society management (which currently is under the control of the more influential people). With elections in place and an initial hand-holding by a NGO one can actually make a difference and "build more than just lives".