Parul Saini


BODAKDEV - Solid Waste Management

The project focuses on solid waste management in the Bodakdev ward of Ahmedabad City, analyzing the current waste management system from the point of waste generation to its arrival at the refuse transfer station. The primary goal is to gain insights into the system's functioning. Moreover, the study examines the presence of garbage vulnerable points (GVPs) and litter spots within the ward and addresses the issue of insufficient waste segregation at the point of generation. The project explores solutions to address these challenges, including diligent monitoring, improving the current schedules of waste-collection vehicles and the implementation of behavioral change communication (BCC) campaigns. 

Report Content

Solid Waste Management in Ahmedabad

Solid Waste Management in Bodakdev Ward

Defining the study area and addressing the issue of lack of source segregation

Making the presence of GVPs and litter spots

Analyzing data from surveys

The concept for proposals and various steps involved

Clearing of GVPs and enforcing penalties

Changing the current schedule of the waste collection vehicles, establishing a monitoring schedule and BCC campaigns

Theory of Change

Implementation Timeline