Manas Binoy



Engineered as a solution to Africa’s mass migration challenge, this futuristic marvel evolves in phases, each unit resembling a Lego block. These modular components, adaptable and flexible, seamlessly integrate into existing infrastructure, expanding the city’s capacity organically. The Lego City concept addresses the pressing need for scalable urban development, offering a dynamic solution to accommodate the growing population. As Africa faces unprecedented migration patterns, these Lego units serve as building blocks for sustainable growth. With each phase, the city evolves like an intricate Lego masterpiece, welcoming newcomers without compromising on efficiency or aesthetics. This innovative approach not only tackles the challenges of urbanization but also exemplifies a harmonious blend of functionality and futuristic design in the quest for a more resilient and inclusive society. 

Report Content

Mass migration

Migration hotspot

Site selection and criteria

Design strategy- Phase development

Network pseudocode, density distribution and patch selection

Housing typologies and fitness criteria of patch

Orientation strategy for housing typologies

Phase I and Phase II iterations and best outputs

Final patch visualization

Views of bus stop and community gathering spaces