Arnav Prakash


Water For Survival

The surface run-off water from the building rooftops and roads contribute to different levels of urban impact. This alters the quality of water due to contamination of pollutants with the run-off water. These contain harmful bacteria, viruses and cause vector-borne diseases if not treated with care. The run-off water which comes in contact with the groundwater, pollutes it and from there it enters the food chain affecting living beings. The extraction of groundwater is a common practice in water scarce areas where civic infrastructure is absent. This practice of mining water has considerably affected the ground water-table and has led to illegal practices of water theft. The private-tankersv provide water on-demand services and charge high amount of money. The cost of water which is otherwise neglected due to the low rates and lack of monitoring for water consumption. Rapid growth of population within the city has given thriving opportunities for construction activiites which significantly alter the drainage patterns and natural topography. The increasing impervious cover has resulted in decrease of water percolation which increases the intensity of stormwater flows. This also causes water-logging and flooding due to faulty disposal of waste materials. The unhindered and unfiltered water causes ecological damage. A collective effort towards utilizing the water efficiently will help in reducing the water-stress in urban scenarios where water is often taken for granted.The surface run-off water from the building rooftops and roads contribute to different levels of urban impact. This alters the quality of water due to contamination of pollutants with the run-off water. These contain harmful bacteria, viruses and cause vector-borne diseases if not treated with care. The run-off water which comes in contact with the groundwater, pollutes it and from there it enters the food chain affecting living beings. The extraction of groundwater is a common practice in water scarce areas where civic infrastructure is absent. This practice of mining water has considerably affected the ground water-table and has led to illegal practices of water theft. The private-tankersv provide water on-demand services and charge high amount of money. The cost of water which is otherwise neglected due to the low rates and lack of monitoring for water consumption. Rapid growth of population within the city has given thriving opportunities for construction activiites which significantly alter the drainage patterns and natural topography. The increasing impervious cover has resulted in decrease of water percolation which increases the intensity of stormwater flows. This also causes water-logging and flooding due to faulty disposal of waste materials. The unhindered and unfiltered water causes ecological damage. A collective effort towards utilizing the water efficiently will help in reducing the water-stress in urban scenarios where water is often taken for granted.

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A simple pulley-wheel mechanism to help in clearing the water-logged areas in the campus. The water is fed to the storm-water drains which carries it towards a detention pond. The water eventually percolates into the ground. This can also be shifted and installed from one space to the other by the users.

The five buildings are analyzed through a set of parameters which help in mapping the spaces which have storm-water related issues such as water-logging and contamination of water. This also assists in determining the potential spaces for intervention. The spaces with severe issues of water-logging are prioritized and taken up as spaces which could be treated as potential spaces for intervention. The parameters take into consideration the soft and hard ground cover, newer constructions, activity

The monsoon can be celebrated at the university campus and a wide variety of spaces provides an opportunity for the same. The changes in ground cover and material has obstructed the flow of water considerably and the mapping locates the spaces which have been affected due to the abundance of hard impervious surfaces. A layer of potential activity zones are marked and those spaces could be transformed to make it even more interactive and ecologically viable to harness the annual storm-water .

The mapping shows wards which get heavily flooded during the monsoon and the corresponding population which gets affected. It also highlights the groundwater condition of those areas and the potential catchment area which can be utilized to harness the storm-water according to the rainfall received.

Model representing flood levels in the city of Ahmedabad.

Multiple other alternatives which can be made using recycled materials such as rubber and plastic which are water resistive in nature and help in channelizing the water.

The consumption of ground-water has increased in water-stressed areas. The cycle of water in urban scenarios is incomplete in terms of volume. The extraction of groundwater in water-stressed is not compensated with the recharge, The upside-down scenario can be resolved through effective conservation.

The traditional pol houses have tankas which are currently not utilized as earlier. These can be utilized to store water harvested from the rain and it could also contribute towards community water tanks which can act as a provider for common taps and chabutaras. The harvested water can also benefit cattle and birds.

Easy to install storm-water management interventions at micro level. These can be utilized across different housing typologies to harvest rainwater. The multi-utility factor puts the make-shift interventions useful even at times when there is no rainfall. The toolkit can be easily assembled according to the type of household.

An individual household utilizes water for different activities and levels. The terrace can contribute towards harvesting the rainwater by slowing down the rainwater and allowing it to percolate into the soft-ground. The same could also be collectively harvested and utilized in a neighborhood.