Gandhi Soha Niraj


Chartered Waters

WATERWALK, CEPT UNIVERSITY | From north gate to workshop on CEPT campus, what reminds us of water on the way? Anything and everything on campus that indicates the presence of water or reminds one of water is a ‘Water Indicator’. The project mainly looked at mapping the water indicators on the exterior of built structures.

 NEER NAKSH, THE H20 MAP | Mapping Urban Water Blueprints- The project looks at comparing the water systems of Ahmedabad to the other cities of the world. This comparative study of water in cities across the world brings out a vivid range of facts with reference to resource diversity, usage, supply & demand and consumption. 

CHARTERED WATERS | The project speculates the future of the Sabarmati river in the city of Ahmedabad. It visualizes a scenario where the river has been granted the status of living personhood which gives it the ability to be visible in the court of law and to have its voice heard as a person protected under the law. It fundamentally transforms the way in which people value the river. This approach treats the river as a living entity, as an indivisible whole instead of treating it from a perspective of ownership and management. The intervention looks in detail at the sentences that have been served to these convicts and visualizes how the sentence is manifested on the river. 

Report Content

Campus Scale- WaterWalk | Mapping Water Indicators

WaterWalk- Speculation | A series of installations

City Scale | Mapping urban water blueprints. The water blueprint of each city shows the source of water from where the city gets its water.

Neer Naksh | Comparative study of water in cities across the world- resource diversity, usage, supply & demand and consumption.

Speculation- Chartered Waters | A Glimpse of River in the Regional Basin

Transformation of the river over the years

Mapping the Convicts | Marking the locations of the selected convicted elements on the city map.

Assessment Report I | Convicts: Outfall Sites & Water Treatment Plants

Assessment Report II | Convicts: Vasna Barrage & Riverfront Promenade

Visualization of how the sentence is manifested on the river after receiving the status of living personhood