Anshi Sanjiv Kikani



The need to explore the integration of Chennai's climate action plan with its master plan arises from the city's pressing climate challenges, such as droughts, floods, and the urban heat island effect, compounded by swift urbanization. To effectively pursue the goals delineated in climate action plan, the statutory reinforcement that a master plan can provide becomes an important tool to achieve the goals of climate action plan. This synergy of the statutory plan with the climate action can ensure a sustainable growth in the city along with interventions that can allow sustainable regulatory framework. Under the Tamil Nadu Housing and Habitat development project TNHHDP, The CMDA has started preparing the third master plan for Chennai-2046 with the assistance from world bank. This endeavour has a base for integrating the climate action plan of Chennai that had previously been prepared by UMC and C40 cities. The research aims at formulating a set of recommendations that can direct the TMP development towards reaching the goals of the CCAP. The integration of climate actions with statutory plans could be done by the means of policy alignment, infrastructural upgrades, extensive stakeholder consultation, monitoring the progress of implementation, and capacity building. The study looks at planning tools like the Master plan, Comprehensive Mobility plan, Land pooling area development schemes and development control regulations. 

Report Content

Aim and methodology

Need of the study

Transportation in Chennai

GHG Emissions

Vulnerability of transportation systems

Assessment of transport sector in Master Plan



Detailed recommendations

Detailed recommendations