Aaheli Das


The Parallel (Terrace Intervention)

This project introduces a method of connection through the unused terraces and upper floors of the pol houses. It also introduces engaging programs for the occupants as well as the visitors as the site is old city which has a very heavy footfall everyday because of the markets there. It is about having an alternate connection also giving users a unique experience and perspective of the old city.

Report Content

Site model of existing condition.

Analysis of commercial vs residential on site.

Segregating heights of the terraces that can be used for intervention.

Pseudo-code of the project showing the approach and method of design with computation.

Connecting major attracters and transport services through our site.

Open spaces identified to have easy access to the intervention using the pseudo-code.

Design Iterations of terrace connections using computation eventually giving the fittest result as the final design.

Map showing the connectivity of the terraces in terms of its physicality and height.

3D visualisation.

Model of the final Design Intervention.