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  • Live+Work community encouraged township in Hebatpur

Satyam Shukla


Live+Work community encouraged township in Hebatpur

To create a sustainable township model that responds to the development gaps of Hebatpur and also counters sociocultural elements of Ahmadabad. Respecting the primary existing values and neighbourhood context, proposal of a Live Work community will act as an opportunity to encourage better habitat and will reduce work trip rates towards city centre.

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The central open space in the residential township caters to the city level demand of open space. Also, the community open spaces are located along the shared street to allow for easy access and an enriching pedestrian experience. The roads act as urban catalysts and attract the people into the residential township to experience the unique live-work community.

The road hierarchy forms tha basis of the master plan, in achieving the vision of connecting and integrating the site. It is overlayed with the open space strategy which provides a variety of community experiences. The built mass is then developed as per the achieved character and requirements of the various urban sectors.

The entire site is a diverse amalgamation of variou types of sectors, which combine to form the live-work community. Fve sectors are described as diverse urban blocks, which explain the hierarchy of open spaces and the variety of built use in the Site.

The road hierarchy forms tha basis of the master plan, in achieving the vision of connecting and integrating the site. It is overlayed with the open space strategy which provides a variety of community experiences. The built mass is then developed as per the achieved character and requirements of the various urban sectors.

Commercial Mix Residential district Character The existence of a primary city level road, the S.P. Ring Road, offers a potential of developing commercial built use in this sector. The peripheries of the sector, therefore, are developed as commercial, while the core centre is developed as residential. The residential portion has a central open space to cater to the community. The peripheral commercial development invites people from the S.P. Ring Road into the Site, which makes the site active.

Lakefront district Character The existing canal on the site is revitalised to develop as an active public promenade, which allows a pedestrian experience to people. The surrounding built mass is made porous to achieve a freeway on the ground, which enhances the human experience of the canalfront promenade. The built mass is fenestrated to achieve a visual connect with the canal front. The open green space besides the canal remains active due to mixed-use activities around it.

Town Centre district Character The entire site is a diverse amalgamation of variou types of sectors, which combine to form the live-work community. Fve sectors are described as diverse urban blocks, which explain the hierarchy of open spaces and the variety of built use in the Site.

Residential District Character of Space The residential district is developed to become a self-sustained live-work sector, which forms the essence of the Master Plan. The shared street passes through the central open space in the sector and therefore, connects it to the entire township. The peripheries, abutting the vehicular connections are commercial (work) development, while the centre is residential (live) community. The buildings are oriented and staggered to achieve a seemless visual conn

Canalfront district Character The existing canal on the site is revitalised to develop as an active public promenade, which allows a pedestrian experience to people. The surrounding built mass is made porous to achieve a freeway on the ground, which enhances the human experience of the canalfront promenade. The built mass is fenestrated to achieve a visual connect with the canal front. The open green space besides the canal remains active due to mixed-use activities around it.

Hebatpur Site 500 acres The site is connected to the city via S. P. Rng Road on the north-west edge and Science city road on the northern edge.