Isalyne Gennaro


Bengaluru Metropolitan Region

The Metropolitan Studio is an exploratory lab which looks at various facets of Metropolitan Planning and management in India and abroad. The delineation of Metropolitan Areas, scope and content of their plans the governance structure and their functional domains vary considerably. As far as regional plans are concerned, they have been largely extension of urban plans both in terms of processes and contents and have not been very effective. As students,we have innovatively reviewed these aspects through cases and propose alternative scenarios for further consideration.

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In order to define the metropolitan region and the effective planning approach of these areas, it was essential to look at other definitions around the world and analyse their governance structure to deliver services and the planning process which is followed. Later on, we have explored the strategic planning approach which aims at developing projects rather than spatial development plans, by identifying the key sectors and needs of Bengaluru Metropolitan region.

Introduction and overview of the region

Nature of urbanisation of BMR

Development authorities, their role and approaches

Case study of Greater London: Governance structure and planning process looking at the transport sector.

Comparison of the decision making power of the metropolitan region authority and inferences.

Scenarios for governance structure of BMR

Scenarios for governance structure of BMR

Developing a strategy of development.

Proposing a strategic project to integrate scales and sectors and help the development of the metropolitan region.