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  • Planning for Mumbai Metropolitan Region

Chiara C Dcruz


Planning for Mumbai Metropolitan Region

The studio drew reflections on the approach adopted for planning at the regional scale in India with respect to Mumbai Metropolitan Region. There exists a gap between the interventions taken at the state level and the interventions at the local level in India. In MMR, the plans at the regional level are made but often overruled by the development plans at the city level. The institutional overlap also contributes to the mishaps. Looking at cases of GLA, it was established that the success of an international finance district was due to the efficient implementation of the plans due to the institutional framework and the crisp defined acts to govern it. The study was based on questioning the regional plans of the past, the acts and institutions that lay down the functions, the type of planning process adopted and the future for MMR. Finally concluding on a new style regional planning essential to be carried out at the regional project with a conceptual project proposal.

Report Content

Mumbai Metropolitan Region: Urbanization Trends

Mumbai Metropolitan Region: Questioning the delineation!

Planning in MMR: The provsions of MRTP Act,1966

Governance in MMR: a case of polycentricism

Governance in MMR: Case of Matheran ESZ

The need for strategic planning

Regional Planning: Proposed concept

An integrated transport spatial plan