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  • Ahmedabad: Vision for Sustainability & Economic vitality

Vidushi Kajla


Ahmedabad: Vision for Sustainability & Economic vitality

The Development Plan studio aims to establish a basic understanding of the statutory development plan and its framework supported with primary and secondary studies and exploring different approaches of planning, zoning, and regulations, to prepare a plan that is robust yet monitored. The different iterations beginning with the Existing situation analysis focus on preparing a development plan with proposals integrating land use, transport, infrastructure, housing, economy, environment, etc. The Development Plan 2041 envisions Ahmedabad as a livable, sustainable, and financially flourishing city, emerging as a globally preferred Investment destination with a distinct identity. 

Report Content

Understanding the Development Plan

Ahmedabad-City overview

Strengths, Issues and Opportunities

Development Potentiality and Boundary Delineation

Ahmedabad Development Plan 2041-Vision and Concept

Road Network and Transportation

Zoning and FSI Comparison

Development control regulations

Proposals and Recommendations

Costing, Phasing and Revenue