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  • Detailed Feasibility Study for Freight Management, Surat

Anupama Warrier


Detailed Feasibility Study for Freight Management, Surat

The studio for Semester 3 under Transportation specialization was commenced by a group of 15 and aims to provide an insight into the preparation of a Detailed Feasibility Study for urban transport proposals. For understanding the preparation of a Detailed Feasibility Study. the Urban Freight Management projects for the city of Surat was chosen as the studio exercise. This equipped an understanding of freight and its logistics and helped us explore their various domains of functioning. Interventions sensitive to the major stakeholders were identified and proposals were put forth after their economic and financial viability assessment. 

Report Content

This explains how the studio was rolled out throughout the semester. The work was spanned over 16 weeks.

The general planning framework that was arrived at through various case studies

The basic understanding of freight and its components; How their logistics function were studied as the first exercise

Introduction to Surat as a case and issue identification in terms of mismanagement of supply chains for commodities have been identified.

The intervention was realised through a project of a Consolidation distribution centre that would help combine both activities of consolidation and distribution that are happening at two different places currently, causing major traffic issues.

The freight movement patterns after the proposed center will be realised is shown here. The available land that can cater to this demand has also been discovered here.

The area requirement, broadly in terms of stoarage units, parking units and office space for transport operators has been calculated here and a total of 20.02 Ha has been identified.

The design for the consolidation distribution centre is shown in the image.

The detailed circulation plan and the unit plan are shown here