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  • Untangling Satellite, Ahmedabad: Developed or live-able?

Mansi Sureka


Untangling Satellite, Ahmedabad: Developed or live-able?

“Development schemes make cities developed, Public realms make cities live-able.”Cities are permanent places of settlement. Once planned and built, they need to grow for their sustenance.  Economic well being and healthy living are the basic rights to citizen that a city must thrive to ensure. Development shapes the built environment, which directly impacts the growth, determining the living conditions. Sometimes, the living standards of cities might get neglected in the race of efficiency and consumption. This is an attempt to untangle the development and live-ablity scenarios in Satellite, Ahmedabad. The understanding will give us an insight for improvements in the current systems.

Report Content

Understanding Satellite, Ahmedabad


Measuring Development: Connectivity

Heterogeneity & Economic Market: Land use & Figure ground

Heterogeneity & Economic Market: Built Use & Building Typology

Heterogeneity & Economic Market: Land prices, Plot FSI Consumption & Job density

Measuring Live-ability: Inter-connectivity

Inter-connectivity: Road Assessment & Congestion

Measuring Live-ability: Public Realms?
