Divyatanu Dev


Elements of Urban Design Studio

The semester was set up to serve as an introduction to the depiction of urban design and its application to design thinking. The idea is that studying and depicting the constructed urban environment is the greatest way to comprehend and communicate urban design. Because of this, the studio’s main focus was on the analysis, depiction, and design of the essential urban components in cities. It was organised into many semester-long modules, each of which had an exhibition of the final product. The effective capture and communication of the spatial characteristics of the urban built environment and public space design was a major focus of these classes. Every module had a two-part structure. The first part focused on perceiving and representing the key elements of urban design that come together to make any functional urban space. The second part focused on the design of public places.

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Module 2A- Streets and Building Types

Module 2A- Streets and Building Types- Site(Via Vittorio Veneto, Rome, Italy)

Module 2B- Urban Blocks and Open Spaces, French Quarter, Hanoi, Vietnam

Module 2B-To understand the relationship between open spaces and the built form- French Quarters, Hanoi, Vietnam

Module 3- Urban Design Project- Reclaiming Chandola Lake

Module 3- Urban Design Project- Reclaiming Chandola Lake (Analysis)

Module 3- Urban Design Project- Reclaiming Chandola Lake (Way towards the proposed Masterplan)

Module 3- Urban Design Project- Reclaiming Chandola Lake- Detail A (Plan and Sections)

Module 3- Urban Design Project- Reclaiming Chandola Lake- Detail C (Plan and Sections)

Module 3- Urban Design Project- Reclaiming Chandola Lake- Views and Section Detail @ B