Patel Heta Rajeshbhai


Surat: A city towards growth trends

 The individual factors such as Natural growth trend, Robust road network, and healthy neighborhood-level space and infrastructure systems make the city more liveable and accessible. The idea behind the development is to strengthen the economy, rejuvenate the ecology, and enhance the infrastructure by following the natural flow of the city and design the inclusive and coherent city for 2036. And identified the city’s potential resources and growth magnet along the peri-urban area which helps to develop the city in a composite way. The comprehensive development plan of the surat city was a group exercise that allowed students to decide the rigid or liberal approach towards urban development. But before deciding the appropriate approach students traced the city understanding through a site visit, primary and secondary data, and stack holder meeting. These aspects help us to check ground reality with the data analysis part. 

Report Content

Regional linkages and Demographic and spatial growth of the city

Evolution and its impacts on growth

Surat :A Potential City Resource

Economic and social linkages along peri-urban area

Redefining the Development

Current road network and poor connectivity towards growth region& strategies for proposed road network

Proposed road network

Development plan 2036

Development Regulation

Phasing and costing