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  • In-situ Slum Redevelopment through PPP Model

Nithin Aradhya


In-situ Slum Redevelopment through PPP Model

Paldi being one among the oldest and affluent wards in Ahmedabad, it is predominantly residential in character. The ward sites for 14 slum pockets. Most of the slums lie near the proposed metro station and along the riverfront development area. Our major concern is that the chances of these slums being affected by the gentrification-related issues are quite probable. Knowing this scenario of the slums, we came up with the in-situ slum redevelopment program through PPP model as a solution to improve the housing condition of the slum dwellers and also avoid gentrification-related issues by formulating suitable regulations.

Report Content

Ward Characteristics

Issues and Potentials of the ward

Vision and Objectives

Objective 3

Existing scenario of slums

Future scenario of slums

Insitu slum redevelopment

Insitu slum redevelopment

Insitu slum redevelopment