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  • Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Metro Corridor Extension Phase-2

Parth Parihar


Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Metro Corridor Extension Phase-2

The MetroLink Express Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar (MEGA) is one of the prominent transportation project in the state of Gujarat. The 1st PHASE of MEGA comprises of two corridors North-South corridor and East-West corridor, which is currently in  execution stage. The proposed Phase 2 includes North-South corridor extension from Motera Stadium to Sector 28-29 of Gandhinagar.
The objective of the project is to undertake feasibility study of proposed MEGA Phase - 2. The project scope includes studies related to traffic demand forecast, location and station planning, construction methods,social and environment assessment, disaster management and financial analysis.

Report Content


Route Map and Total Trip Attraction Zone

Project Summary

Mode Share And Trip Purpose

Income Group And Fullday Ridership

Revenue Generation And Land Acuisition

Station and Parking Areas

Track Sections Drawings

Detailed Cross-sections Drawings
