
Faculty: Bhairav Patel | Meet satishkumar Shah | Aashlesh Gandhi | Minoli Shah

TA: Lalchand Prajapat | Karan Dalal | Manan Palan

Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

The objective of this studio is to enable the students to design the reinforced concrete buildings under the effect of different loads acting on them. Students will prepare the physical models which will then be tested on the shake table to understand the different structural modes, follies in design and methods to rectify the same. Laboratory test on concrete will be done till failure to bring the attention on placement of reinforcement. With a given building and a problem statement, students will learn to develop the structural system, apply optimization techniques, analyse and design the same independently under gravity loads and lateral loads due to wind and earthquake. After finishing the static analysis, students will then apply the principles of dynamic analysis and then finally take the maximum forces for the design. Students will be able to translate the design into drawings required to be released for site execution.

Student Projects