
Faculty: Rajan Rawal

Coefficient for impact assessment upon embodied energy for structural members for different FSI(1-7) using LCA

The Lifecycle cost assessment conducted is very specific to the project that is assessed due to the lack of building life cycle inventory (LCI) standards, atypical process technologies and multiple estimation tools. These results in outcomes are often incomparable and require complete lifecycle assessment for every project which is time consuming and leads to inconsideration of the environmental impact assessment at design stage of the building. The development of a coefficient/equation at the end of the study shall enable estimation of the embodied energy and carbon emissions for residential buildings with different FSI having the same load bearing structural design when the quantification of one is known. Lifecycle assessment shall be conducted upon a reinforced cement concrete prototype from Bureau of energy efficiency referring EN 15978, ISO 14040, and ISO 14044. This estimation will help in carbon mitigation strategies for development in consideration of the environmental impact at even urban level without actually having to do the entire life cycle assessment for every FSI.

Student DRP