
Faculty: Birva Joshi

Road Safety Audit (with accident black spot identification) for urban roads

Road safety audit is a procedure which can be used for a formal, systematic and detailed examination of a roadway project (proposed or existing) to identify potential safety concerns of the road. Road safety audit is carried out with every road user in the consideration and by keeping existing guidelines in mind and with the focus on road safety issues. Safety audit for the existing road will provide an assurance that the safety features of roadway infrastructure are compatible with the road classification and will also help to detect features which can be future safety issue such as sight distance. Accident black spot identification is the procedure of identifying the location or stretch of the roadways where accident occurrences are clustered over a stretch of time. Black spot identification will help in road safety audit as it can give an insight for reasons for happening of certain kind of accidents. Periodic road safety audit along with black spot identification of urban roads can provide a continual monitoring of road operation and safety condition which can lead to timely maintenance and application of corrective measures on urban roads. This research will include selective road network from the city of Ahmedabad based on of AMC wards (based on hierarchy and extent of usage of roads) and would conclude the Road safety Audit for selected network. This will give an opportunity to reveal and understand design issues related to accident potential of selected roads. The parameters to be evaluated include but not limited to geometric design of roadway, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, traffic control devices, user’s perspectives.

Student DRP