Harshit Kavadia



Geotechnical Parameters: Influencing Foundation Systems deals with the study of soil properties and how they affect the design of foundation systems. The studio started by using mindmaps to learn various geotechnical concepts. Following that, we gained practical experience in soil investigation by conducting field investigations and laboratory tests on campus. The field of soil improvement was investigated by conducting experiments on soil samples, both with and without additives, and comparing the outcomes. Finally, the knowledge of soil properties and behavior was applied to the design of foundation systems for a specific problem statement.

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Report Content

Conceptual Understanding - Mind Maps

Site Exploration and Sample collection

Soil Investigation - Summary Table

Soil Improvement using Rice Husk Ash (RHA)

Soil Improvement Results

Horizontal Soil Profile

Concept Model: Consolidation failure and ground improvement

Design of Isolated Footing for Bridge

Design of Pile Foundation for Bridge

Design of Pile Foundation for Bridge

Project Video