Shaurya Mohit Parekh


Concrete Curing Monitoring System

Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a term used to describe rapid technological advancements by integrating digital technology with different processes such as manufacturing and distributing products and services. Along similar lines, the studio aims to integrate automation in the field of construction to help increase accuracy and efficiency of construction activities as well as help improve their monitoring. The journey through the length of the semester included construction site visits, learning the processes, calculating quantity of materials, rate analysis, manpower and efficiency of labourers as well as coding and calibration of sensors.

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Report Content

Studio Introduction

Activities and Learnings

Introduction to IoT

Mid-Semester Slab Deflection Measuring Device

Final Project Introduction

Trials Conducted

Testing Conditions and Procedure

Data Collected (Weight)

Data Collected (Thermal Image) and Final Equation

Future Scope and Prospective Integrations