Tirth Ramoliya


Free Flowing Network Loop

My final project solves a complex free-flowing fluid network in which I, only have 1 known inlet and multiple unknown outlets. The principle used here is the law of conservation of mass. The most crucial factor in any closed system is constant pressure and head loss. In a loop, the system will balance head loss in each direction and ensure that it is the same at all points. Accordingly, the head loss will be balanced by distributing Q among the pipes to remain constant throughout each path. Here, water will take the path of least resistance. 

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Principle, used for the final project.

Theoretical results of all the 3 cases.

Comparison of Experimental results with theoretical calculations.

Bernoulli's Theorem: Lab Setup

Demonstration of Bernoulli's Theorem using a model.

Hydraulic Press

Head Loss: Lab Setup

Head Loss: Experimental Setup

Designing Notches, for measuring the rate of flow of liquid through a small channel or tank.

Solving 4 loop network, using Hardy Cross method.