Shah Raj Manojkumar


Project Developing Stage

The project chosen for study is Lilavati Lalbhai Library, CEPT University. It is a 5 storey building including 3 basements. Total Built up area is 2730 sqmt and total site development area is 3200 sqmt. Estimated cost of the project is 11.00 Crores approximately. 
The subject included learning of the four stages of a project which are Conceiving, Development, Implementation and Construction & Commissioning stage of a project. Here the development stage of the project is being explained in a concised manner.

Report Content

This image shows the plan of the Library and also its section.

This image depicts the different view of the library and also the current status of the project.

This one describes what is devloping stage.

Contractor seclection process in mentioned in the image.

Contractor seclection process in mentioned in the image.

General contract conditions are shown in the image.

General contract conditions are shown in the image.

Technical and Financial contract conditions are shown in the image.

Technical and Financial contract conditions are shown in the image.

Project cost breakup is shown in the image.