Paridhi Jindal


Signature Bridge, Wazirabad, Delhi

Due to tremendous increase in population of Trans Yamuna Area, there was a pressing demand for additional East-West corridors over River Yamuna. There is a proposal to construct a new eight lane bridge across river Yamuna 600 m downstream of existing barrage cum bridge at Wazirabad, Delhi. The proposed bridge will connect Marginal Bund road at Khajuri Khas intersection on Eastern side and Road No.45 (Outer Ring Road) on the Western side. The provisions of flyovers, ramps, loops etc. have been incorporated in the scheme to ensure signal free traffic movement.

Report Content

Signature Bridge, Delhi

Introduction to Delhi

Project Introduction

Technical Feasibility of the Project

Technical Feasibility of the Project

Technical Feasibility of the Project

Technical Feasibility of the Project in terms of Site Selection

Cost Feasibility of the Project

Cost Benefit analysis of the Project