Sanket Bharatkumar Sachaniya



In Ahmedabad more than 75% of solid waste is dumped at pirana.  Ahmedabad still need to improve the collection, transport and disposal of solid waste. Raikhad ward is one of most dense populated compare to other wards of Ahmedabad. which leads to more generation of solid waste in the area. which means the collection efficiency needs to maximise. in this project, route optimization for the chhota hathi and bin lifter are shown. which collects more than 80% of solid waste combined. Proposal given to improve the cleanliness and  how government can earn money using solid waste management.

Report Content

Basic flow chart of how the solid waste is collected in raikhad ward.

Solid waste generation and actual collection of waste done by AMC Workers/Vehicles.

Locations of green bins, silver bins and compactor. and its buffers. Yellow dots- Green binsRed dots - Silver binsPurple dots - Compactor vehicle.

Existing scenario of littering spots in ward

Comparison of location of bins and littering spots with land use map. and relocation of green bin where the residential area is high.

Existing Chhota hathi routes, where no pattern is followed to collect the solid waste.

Optimised route of Chhota hathi on basis of time travel and cost.

Optimised routes for the bin lifter on basis of time travel and cost.

Green bins picked from the location when bin is 25-30% full every day. so use of sensor to indicate the worker that they have to pick the bin only when bin is 100% full.

The present management for the bins and its surrounding area is very poor, so government can handover this responsibility to some company to take care of the bins and surrounding area of bins to make the place clean and they can advertise on the bins and street poles of the street where bin location is allocated.