Sumiran Mathur



As part of the Ward Level Infrastructure Design Studio, we have studied the different sectors of infrastructure in Raikhad, identified gaps and problems and come up with design solutions.I, in particular, focused on the sewerage infrastructure in Raikhad. I studied the existing sewerage network and suggested possible solutions along with the costing in order to solve the problems found during analysis. Also, a study on the current situation of various toilets was carried out in so as to know whether more toilets were required or not. 

Report Content

The flow chart shows the carrying of seweage and existing situation of sewage and sewerage in Raikhad

Total sewage generated and current position of open defecation and toilets in raikhad.

Location of various kind of toilets in Raikhad.

Map showing the exiting sewerage Network in Raikhad.

General methodology followed on the software SewerGEMS Sanitary, to study sewerage network of Raikhad.

Result of Sewerage Network analysis and proposal for solving problems found during analysis.

Proposed new sewer line Network.

Costing for implementing the Proposals.