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  • Ward Level Infrastructure Design Studio - Sabarmati

Shruti Rastogi


Ward Level Infrastructure Design Studio - Sabarmati

Our Aim in this Studio was to study and improve the different facets of Infrastructure of selected Ward and ultimately cater to the betterment of People. Here you will find the gist of working done by me Individually beginning with detailed methodology we used to finally select our ward, Sabarmati. For analysis, we have used different Softwares, among which working of WaterGEMS for Sabarmati Water Supply has been done and explained as under. Transportation has been my main area of study. Analysis of Public Transport, Pedestrian Infrastructure and Traffic Management has been done in detail and accordingly proposals have been made.    

Report Content

Methodology for Ward Selection

Water Supply - Existing Scenario

Water Supply Analysis by WaterGEMS

Transportation- Road Network and Public Transport

Pedestrian Infrastructure

Proposals keeping in mind to promote pedestrian friendly streets.


Traffic Study

Junction Improvement

Junction Improvement.