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  • Ward Level Infrastructure Studio - Sabarmati

Harshkumar Raval


Ward Level Infrastructure Studio - Sabarmati

In this studio we studied different infrastructure sectors like water supply, sewerage system, solid waste management and transport of a particular ward of Ahmedabad. First we decided the methodology for the selection of ward. Then we studied the existing condition and collected the data for each sector, and analysed it. Based on that we gave the suggestions and proposals for filling the gap.

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Scores were given to each ward such that worst ward get the higher score. Second filter criteria was Metro corridor. Wards from which metro is passing, only those wards were selected.After elimination and SWOT we selected the Sabarmati.

For ward selection three criteria were selected. Sanitation, Drinking water, Waste water outlet conditions. After the pairwise comparison, weight age to each criteria was given.

In water supply, water demand for sabarmati is calculated. And water supplied from water distribution station is calculated. Based on that gap was find.

Three Water Distribution Station and their water network was digitized on GIS and WaterGEMS.

Analysis and calculation was done on WaterGEMS.

For 24x7 water supply Elevated Storage Tanks were proposed. Also water meters were proposed with costing.

Existing condition of community toilets.

Concept of E-Toilets and its advantages.

Location of community toilets and the number of seats.

Sanitation and sewer condition in sabarmati ward.