Yashasvi Rajul Patel



The first semester focused on developing drawing and representation skills. Continuing in a similar vein, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities. Exercises like mapping and data representation engage with on-ground reality, requiring that the students develop their ability to observe, collect data and analyse it, as well as communicate and represent it meaningfully; building elements and materials allows for initial familiarization with these, theoretically as well as through observation of built spaces around; while making and testing structures uses hands-on experience to enable conceptual understanding. Technical drawing II builds on the skills imbibed initially and develops them towards further complexity. All the exercises find their culmination in tackling a design problem, which brings together the skills and abilities while introducing the students for the first time to the design process. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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Highlighting salient features of respective neighbourhood with means of spatial maps and categorising the neighbourhood via base map to understand the importance of mapping.

Studying and drawing wall sections, identifying the materials, varied thickness and width of elements helped in enhancing the knowledge for how buildings are constructed.

Activities and time problem exercises for identifying the failures for the load bearing structures which further helped in making the reed stick model to bear maximum possible load.

Load distribution among the sticks was studied and the failures were rectified in order to enhance the load bearing capacity.

A set of technical drawings of my house were made with appropriate line weights, notations, symbols and annotations in order to understand depth, cut lines, material etc. A digital drawing was made to represent the technical drawings.

Kumbharwada - A potter's abode in the dry deciduous forest region of Gir, Gujarat.

An attempt was made to make the most of the natural elements (river, trees, contours) of the given site while designing the house.

The vision for the potter's house was tried to be shown via a Sketchup model, conceptual sketches, site plans and sections.

Understanding the site- studying the weather, sun directions, vegetation, the contours on site and also, potter's profession played a key role in the designing process for determining the orientation, dimensions and materials of the house.

Subtractions in the made solid compositions with different views and various body postures for understanding the human body movements with different rendering methods.