Thakkar Shria Ashish



The first semester focused on developing drawing and representation skills. Continuing in a similar vein, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities. Exercises like mapping and data representation engage with on-ground reality, requiring that the students develop their ability to observe, collect data and analyse it, as well as communicate and represent it meaningfully; building elements and materials allows for initial familiarization with these, theoretically as well as through observation of built spaces around; while making and testing structures uses hands-on experience to enable conceptual understanding. Technical drawing II builds on the skills imbibed initially and develops them towards further complexity. All the exercises find their culmination in tackling a design problem, which brings together the skills and abilities while introducing the students for the first time to the design process. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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Over a span of two weeks, the Gulmohar locality was studied and data was collected. This data was efficiently represented on a map of the locality.

Technicality of different elements of a building was understood and material hatch and representation of the materials was learn. This was done by tracing wall sections using different line thicknesses and labelling.

A wall section of the living room of my house was hand drafted. Use of different line weights and labelling was done for efficient data representation of elements and materials. The pictures on the left depict the area from where the wall section is taken.

Different types of forces were understood by studying different objects. Forces acting were found on general daily objects.

A study on the material and properties of reed sticks was done. Different types of joineries were tried out with the reed sticks to check the stability of each type.

The reed stick structure was made using different joineries and lashing techniques. The amount of load withstood and the destructing force was taken into study.

The plan and two sections of my house were hand drafted keeping in mind the technical representation of it.

The plan was digitally rendered using photoshop software highlighting the furniture by keeping it white. A photo collage of each area of the house was also added

A house for a chef was designed on a cliffside in Goa over a period of one month. A number of changed were made to the original drawings after which the plan, section and elevation were finally drafted

Two sheets were prepared : The first sheet consisted of all the study and research on goa, bubble diagrams and layouts. The second sheet is a composition of final rendered drawings of the chef's house along with a 3D model of the house.