Drashti Mistry



Foundation Studio (II), within the CEPT Foundation Programme continues to build upon the skills acquired during the first semester, adding abilities to use digital media in representation; to make models; to understand the assembly of built form through its building elements, materials and structures; to be able to draft architectural and topographical drawings: and eventually leads to bringing the skills and abilities together to tackle a design problem.

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Detailed isometric view of truss and representation drawing of GIDC Bhavan. A model done in group.

TADP- Plan and a roof plan with model, where display area is in different levels because of contours. A central space connecting display and workshop. Pantry and workshop on an otta under the shade of mango tree.

Sections and Axonometric view of design in TADP.

Process done in TADP and a site plan.

A structure made out of Reed sticks by using techniques of lashing. Then tested further by putting bricks on it.

Joining materials and elements- A structure made from wood and metal using different joineries.

Documentation of work done in Sankalan training center, Bhuj. The training was about knowing construction techniques with adobe and rammed earth. It also involved exploring Hunnarshala.