Arha Nachiket Pandya



Foundation Studio (II), within the CEPT Foundation Programme continues to build upon the skills acquired during the first semester, adding abilities to use digital media in representation; to make models; to understand the assembly of built form through its building elements, materials and structures; to be able to draft architectural and topographical drawings: and eventually leads to bringing the skills and abilities together to tackle a design problem.

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Building elements and materials II- the documentation showing the site visits to Hunnarshala and Khamir.

Building elements and materials II- The documentation of Bhuj showing the process of construction of CSEB bricks and the Arch construction.

Joining Elements- This slide shows the model including the various joinery and the interlocking of the parts with one another.

Joining elements- The drafted sheets of the joineries and the exploded view of the model.

Making and testing structures- The slide includes the material study, joineries and the final outcome of the spanning member followed by the reasons of failure and the rectification in the model.

Technical drawing II- The drafted sheets of the Indology building showing plan, section, elevation.

Technical drawing II- The model of the wall section of the Indology building.

TADP- The drafted sheets of a bamboo workshop in Nainital showing the floor plan, and two sections giving out major details.

TADP- The roof plan and the elevations of the bamboo workshop.

TADP- The final outcome of the model showing the roof and the openings with the placement of the workshop.