Devika Sajith



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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ORDERING PRINCIPLES I & II This exercise aims to decipher the rules of organisation in the plan of a given project. I was assigned the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in Maine, United States. Through this module, I was given the opportunity to explore the different rules of organisation and analyse its different applications in real life situations.

MAPPING AND DATA REPRESENTATION Jamalpur, a prominent commercial area in Ahmedabad was studied and mapped in this exercise. I was interested in the different types of vendors along the APMC market and hence categorising them into permanent, semi-permanent and mobile vendors became my area of study. I took the study further by tracking the movement of the mobile vendors through the day.

JOINING ELEMENTS The following module delved deep into joinery details and helped me explore wood to wood, metal to metal and wood to metal joineries.

BUILDING ELEMENTS AND MATERIALS II This module consisted of a workshop conducted in Bhuj, a town in Kachchh district of Gujarat. I learnt basic construction techniques involved in making CSEB bricks, arches, vaults, domes etc. Here the attachment provides a glimpse of the booklet prepared to showcase the various activities carried out in the workshop. The illustrations on the left and the corresponding text on the right depict the activities carried out on the second day of the four day workshop.

MAKING AND TESTING STRUCTURES In this exercise, my team mate and I made a cantilever beam structure using reed sticks tied to one another using thread. Through the first round of testing, we were able to identify the reasons of structural failures in our structure and tried to rectify them in the second iteration. We learnt the basics of load distribution and states of stress in the duration of this module.

COLOUR AND COMPOSITION The importance of colour theory and its application was highlighted through this exercise. The entire module was divided into three parts. Initially we were asked to create a mood board for a word assigned to each one of us using colour theory. Next we moved on to pixelating a photograph which gave us an opportunity to experiment with colours and learn their dynamics. The last part of the exercise included analysing a famous artist's artworks and interpreting it in our own way.

COST ESTIMATION In this exercise, I documented and calculated the monthly expenses incurred in a tattoo shop. The final sheet consisted of an infographic prepared using the data collected.

IMAGINATIVE DRAWING The last exercise of CFP offered us considerable freedom to imagine and create a world of our own. 'Holzern' was the name given to my wooden utopia. I used digital medium to bring my world to life since I couldn't experiment with digital medium in the previous exercises.