Keshav Agarwal



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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Allowed me to identify various principles present in our surroundings.

Helped in analyzing and representing information at an urban scale.

Helped in understanding the amount of research, skills and hard-work needed to build something.

Gained hands on experience with brick and clay and learnt its various uses.

Learnt how tension, compression, shear, bending acts on different parts of a structure and how to overcome these forces.

Understood how slightest change in tint, shade or tone can bring a difference.

Learnt the skill of deciphering through various methods such as mind-map, color-palette, collage etc. and its representation in the form of a graphic.

Understood the different direct and indirect costs required to run a business.

Learnt the importance of process and layering required to achieve the desired outcome.

Learnt how different parts can be joined together through interlocking in laser cutting and how you can print your unique designs through 3D printing.