Yash Joshi



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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Mapping & data representation: Cattle mapping in Kalupur.

Exploring various joineries between different materials.

Making, testing & failure analysis of cantilever beam made out of reed sticks.

Pixelating an image, identifying the color schemes & creating a mood board (left). Graphical composition of artist Salvador Dali's work.

Exploring different vantage points that include all the major aspects of the imaginary world.

Final output of Imaginative drawing.

Documenting the learning of earthen construction techniques & experiences of the field workshop at Bhuj.

Estimating the cost of making a 2' eco-friendly Ganesh idol.

Deciphering the rules of organization & composition.

Digital representation: Drafting plan & section of Gandhi Ashram in AutoCAD (left) & making a model of a water bottle in Rhinoceros 3D.