Aakriti Baldwa



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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In the 'Imaginative Drawings' exercise, our task was to vividly imagine a hypothetical story and translate it into a visually captivating representation. To achieve this, we began by creating several practice sketches, allowing us to explore and comprehend the finer details of the drawing.

Assigned the artist Joan Miró, I studied and analyzed his work, grasping his artistic style, color choices, and more. To deepen my understanding, I created a collage and mind map, and then produced my own artwork using poster colors, inspired by Miró's style and incorporating my personal interpretation.

we were tasked with constructing a 1m long spanning structure using reed sticks. We furthered our understanding by meticulously adding 2.5 Kg bricks one by one, observing the structure's breaking point and identifying avenues for enhancement. Through this hands-on exploration, we gained valuable insights into structural resilience and discovered strategies to optimize its strength.

In this workshop exercise, we explored a variety of joineries, including wood-to-wood, metal-to-wood, and metal-to-metal connections. By first creating a 3D model using SketchUp, we were able to translate our designs into tangible objects using advanced machinery, refining our understanding and skills in the process.

The joineries were executed in the workshop.

For the costing exercise, I took on the task to Budget my friends trekking trip to 'Bhrigu Lake'. o present the data effectively, I utilized an excel sheet and created an informative infographic to provide a clear visual representation of the expenditure.

During the 'Mapping' exercise, we focused on learning about Parimal Garden in Ahmedabad and gathering data on specific research topics. We observed the variations and unique characteristics of each place to gain a deeper understanding.

'Building Elements and Materials' workshop was held at Hunnershala, Bhuj, we participated in hands-on building activities such as brick making and wall construction over a span of four days. To encapsulate our enriching experiences, we created a booklet comprising sketches and concise texts, showcasing the journey we embarked upon during the workshop.

Through this exercise, I gained valuable insights into the fundamental organizational guidelines that govern structures, deepening our understanding of their underlying principles.

In the design allied module, we explored design principles and learned how to visually represent them. Additionally, we analyzed well-designed and poorly-designed products to better comprehend the factors that contribute to their success or failure.