Ansh Gunjan Trivedi



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

Report Content

Gauging Costs - Cost analysis of cold coffee at 'Suraj Coffee'. Includes Process illustrations, photo collage, infographic ideations, a mind map, and the final infographic (containing division of cost, the process of making, one-time costs, and profit margin)

Colour Theory - Pixelation (portion) of image and research on Painter- 'Johannes Vermeer' followed by illustration using characteristics from the same. Contains the final pixelation sheet and reference. Contains process sketches and paintings, a mind map with characteristics and the final illustration (illustration after identifying and interpreting characteristics of the artist)

Imaginative Drawing - Creation of an imaginative scene using self written writeup that contains some distinct changes in the world we currently live in. My theme was Sci-Fi. This slide contains the writeup, initial process sketches (pencil and alcohol markers)

Continuation* Contains process illustrations using alcohol markers and draft of final illustration (digitally on Procreate).

Continuation* Final Illustration.

Bhuj Booklet - Making of guide booklet about the different processes involved in earthen construction. Slide contains excerpts from the booklet and illustrations included in the same.

Making and Testing Structures - Ideating, creating and testing an inclined framed model using reed sticks and string. Slide contains ideation sketches, 3d model of first prototype (forces acting on it), illustrations of joinery, first testing and failure analysis.

Continuation* Slide contains 3d model of second prototype (forces acting on it), rectifications and reason behind the same, second testing and final model images.

Joining Elements - Making of square model using given materials and creating unique yet useful types of joinery. Includes different elevations of model, isometric view and exploded view of joinery. All dimensions also given alongside.

Mapping and Data Representation - Identification of different types of light fixtures in and around 'Parimal Garden' and mapping of the same. Slide includes a photo collage (symbols for each type), and the final mapping sheet (cpntains all light fixtures map to the left and light spread plan to the right) Ordering Principles - Contains time problems.