Aditya Sunil



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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Ordering Principles In this exercise I learned the rules of organization and how to apply them.

Imaginative Drawing In this exercise I imagined a living space and made over 50 quick renders of the space before we made our final space showing all the attribute details from our write up.

Mapping In this exercise I learned how to map an area assigned to us and represent our study on the map using visual techniques.

Joining Elements In this exercise I learned how to ideate and design an assemblage made of wood, metal rods, metal pipes and metal sheets and actually make it in the workshop. We learned how to use the various tools and how to work with the materials.

Testing Structures In this exercise I learned how to identify different types of tresses and then make a structure with reed sticks which I joined using various lashing methods with string.

Fab Labs In this exercise I learned how to use the equipment in CEPT Fab Labs and cut and printed some of our design

Estimating Costs In this exercise I Compared two hair salons and made an infographic comparing their monthly costs.

Colour Theory In this exercise I learned the principles of colour theory and the various ways to apply them. I learned how to mix colours and fill in pixels which was the first assignment. In the second assignment I was assigned an artist. I used various paintings made by the artist to understand the usage of colour and then I finally used that knowledge to make my own painting using the same colours.