Harshi Divaker Mehta



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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"Crafting Fusions" is a compilation of two modules exploring the possibilities of working with wood, metals, and reed sticks to create structures capable of carrying weight. On the left side of the slide is the work on "Making and Testing Structures," which features a vertical tower that successfully carried a load of 4.5kg. On the right side is a model showcasing "Joining Elements," demonstrating a preliminary representation of a chair.

"Kacch Jo Maal" is a handmade brochure that showcases the sustainable habitat techniques we learned at Hunnarshala through a combination of graphics and minimal text. The workshop aimed to build our skills and empower us with knowledge of sustainable practices, fostering the preservation and promotion of traditional wisdom alongside modern approaches.

"The Architectural Cartography" is an exploration of the art of map-making. The module, MADR (Mapping and Data Representation), focuses on the drawing and representation of information or data on maps. The slide above showcases the architectural elements surrounding Rani no Hajiro, a tourist site located in the old city of Ahmedabad. The purpose is to identify and preserve the fading elements amidst the rapid development in the city. The facades surrounding the Hajiro have been represented in elevations, with specific elements highlighted in red and presented in detail.

"The Color Tapestry" is a compilation of works from the Color Theory exercise that aimed to effectively use color in our work to create visual harmony, convey messages, and influence the viewer's perception and response. On the left side of the slide, there is a display of a pixelated portrait photograph, demonstrating the process of learning to represent, identify, and color the exact hues within the grids. On the right side, there is a study on Benode Bihari Mukherjee, an Indian artist. An abstract representation of his art form has been created after studying his style and use of color.

"Chromatic Reveries" features an imaginary drawing of a Kirki Public Library, inspired by a story written in ROWC classes . The drawing is created using Gouache paints, capturing the essence of the story. Concept sketches are attached to the right side, providing additional visual representations.

The expenses of raising 6-month-old twins for a month have been represented in the form of infographics above. Software used - Procreate

"Allied Module" runs parallel to the courses in CFP and serves as an introduction to the basics of designing an interior. It covers various aspects, including site analyses, space planning, abstraction of ideas, generating concepts, and drawing interpretations. All of the mentioned works are outlined above.

I have always been fond of live sketching and carry an A5 journal with me every time I travel. The slide above is a compilation of live sketches I made during the year, featuring my classmates, professors, sketches made while travelling to CEPT in the car, and during trips to Varanasi and the old city of Ahmedabad.

"Digital Representation" showcases works of a plan and section created using AutoCAD on the left side, while on the right side, an Earpods design created using Rhino is featured

"Digital Representation 2" features artwork created during my leisure time using Procreate. These pieces represent my off-studio creative work.