Harisankar Vimalan



After focusing on developing drawing and representation skills in first semester, during the second semester, the CFP Studio component focuses on building analytical abilities with exercises like mapping and data representation, buidling elements and materials, making and testing structures, technical drawing II and tackling a design problem. These skills will be put to use during L2 studios, and will be discussed in their relevance to the professional practice that designers, architects and urban planners engage in.

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A well-documented booklet on the various exercises conducted at the workshop in Bhuj about building elements, materials, and different methods of construction.

The process of designing and making a cantilever structure using reed sticks.

The final cantilever structure (top), its load bearing capacity (middle) and the correction required to prevent the structure from failing (bottom).

The process of designing a 30cm x 30cm x 30cm assemblage which has wood and metal as the main materials.

The final assemblage and the various joineries involved in constructing it.

Understanding different colours by pixelating a photograph through painting.

The works of Frank Stella (top) and a graphical composition of his works (bottom).

Photos of the workshop and some of the materials involved in constructing the statue (top) and the calculation of the cost of labour and materials that goes into constructing this statue (bottom).

Infographic on calculating the expense required for constructing a statue.