Tia Pankaj Harlalka



The CEPT Foundation Programme studio is an introduction for students fresh out of school to the rigor and work habits required by an undergraduate degree at CEPT University. The studio is conceptualized as a series of sequentially planned exercises, through which students develop skills and abilities, which are then deployed to address increasingly complex problems falling in four broad categories: visualize and draw, make and learn, anayse and interpret and conceptualise and represent. The exercises are designed to provide foundational skills for students across disciplines at CEPT, between which they maintain a balance. They also reflect an understanding that at the foundation level, these skills overlap to a large extent, and a varied array is of benefit to all students. The studio is taught through intensive 1–2 week long modules, focusing on a particular skill or ability, and a process that emphasizes ongoing feedback in addition to expert faculty lectures.

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An Study On The Architectural Responses Of The Facades Along The Ghats Of Banaras

This study explores details within architectural elements and materials in the facades of the building in response to climate, weather and time period.

Sanrachna The Builders Of Banaras A Board Game created where the creation and design of the ghats is in the hands of the player. This game is inspired by the study done in Banaras along with the research done on board games. The process of the game is a combination of character cards, advantage cards, resource cards, tally machines and facade pieces.

Characters The creation of the characters was a combination of actual people and personal experiences from Varanasi. The assignment of colors for every character played an important role in the execution of the game.

Understanding Structures The creation of this structure was based on the goal of it holding the maximum weight while complying with the maximum dimensions and parameters of overdesign. Using sketchup the testing of the design was done before the creation of the final structure. Learning about the material and its strengths was as integral to the design as its form.

Testing The Structure Adding Bricks to the test the load bearing capacity of the structure at its centre of gravity

Creating Joineries Through Material Exploration The creation of a cube containing joineries between three different materials was the culmination of an exploration of materials, its properties and its manipulation. This abstract box is made up of wood, metal rods, pipes and plates and fabric. These materials have been joined using a variety of method from hinges to Japanese wood joineries .

The Documentation and Representation Of Chinmaya Mission Centre in Sections.

The Documentation and Representation Of Chinmaya Mission Centre in a Sectional Model.

Mapping Parimal Gardens Shade, Shadow and Light in Seating Areas Seating spaces designed in Parimal Gardens change throughout the day due to natural conditions such as light, temperature and shade which in turn affect its usage. This study maps the amount of people using different seating spaces in Parimal Gardens at different times in the day and the light and shade that fall on that space.