Shah Darshi Rupesh



The Monsoon Semester of the CEPT Foundation Programme inculcates foundational design skills through sequential exercises focused on perfecting freehand and perspective drawing, visualizing and drawing complex compositions. Students learn to make technical drawings using orthographic projections, surface development and exploded views of complex objects; develop the skill of estimating sizes and begin to engage with anthropometrics. Ordering principles, colour theory, imaginative drawing and deciphering and interpreting styles help them develop more complex skills. Alongside, parallel exercises focus on describing objects and presenting their own work in writing, while guest speaker lectures offer exposure to other disciplines.

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3D Assemblages

Orthographic projections of a matchbox composition

Surface development and Perspective projections of a matchbox composition

Exploded view and working of a lock

Analyzing floor plan of Villa Farnese (Source: Plan of Villa Farnese by Baldassare Peruzzi)

Identifying the ordering principles in our surrounding

Pixelation of an image, Studying the use of colours by Wassily Kandinsky with different color schemes (Source of top left photograph: unknown)

Understanding the work and style of Hassan Faithy and making a collage and poster

Gauging sizes of objects, spaces and street

Micron and Charcoal sketching